Knots...and rosepetal

Just Another Day (A true story by rosepetal ) 13 July 1998
Sunday morning dawned bright and clear, unusual for this winter in New Zealand. Stretching she wakens to the feel of his hand on her and comes for the first time that day. The day before had been miserable and cold, so they had made the most of the opportunities available to them and enjoyed a day of love by the fire. His instructions had included counting her orgasms and her body had been racked with intense pleasure 36 times.

Morning coffee and quiet discussion, interrupted only by the intensity of continuing orgasms from His touch, His look, His body taking her. Time to get up, shower and enjoy the beautiful day. "Enjoy your shower my dear. Relax, get clean and have a lovely time. I have plans for you today." His parting instructions as He left the shower echoed in her head, as the sun beat through the window and shone on her body, making it glisten in the sunlight. "What is He up to now?" The water relaxed her body, but the thought of Him was constantly before her.

After her shower was over she went to the kitchen and made brunch for them both. More coffee and an intense feeling of well-being developed. His voice echoing in her head the whole while. "Come here my dear." Immediately she rose from her seat and went to him. "Get naked for Me." The shoulder straps of her chemise slid down and the garment fell from her body. Watching Him, through carefully guarded eyes. "Get Me your rope my dear." Slowly she followed His instructions and brought the rope to Him. "Hmmmm, let's see now....."

He tied a knot in the rope, placed it carefully over her clitoris. His hands guided the ends of the rope between her legs and over her shoulders. Wonderingly, she submitted to His ministrations, remaining silent as He had taught her. His hands took the other ends of the rope and brought them up to her breasts, just grazing her nipples as her body moved. The rope was fastened, leaving a short length to act as a leash, should the need arise.

"Now that should keep you nicely comfortable till dinnertime. You may come as often as you wish, but you must tell Me when you do." The clock reported that it was 1:30 in the afternoon. With the knot stimulating her, her mind racing, she accepted that this would mean at least six hours. His voice again. "I think we should get out in the sun. Go and get dressed my dear, jeans, boots, and something on top accessible from the front." "Yes Sir," she hard herself saying. Walking to the bedroom to dress she could feel the knot moving against her. Dressing was a challenge, but accomplished eventually ....

Into the car and travelling over bumpy roads, a detour through the botanical gardens and down to a favourite spot looking over some low cliffs to the roaring sea. The knot rubbed her, putting pressure on her outer lips and producing intense feelings ...orgasm. An awareness growing inside her that the hours were stretching endlessly ahead of her. At least, she thought, it will be better when we are not moving anymore.

Watching the seagulls soaring through the blue sky, the white capped waves breaking, the families walking their dogs and children happily shrieking, she realised that being still was producing a different sensation. The knot stayed in one place, her clitoris pulsing wildly against it, orgasm building. He looked at her. His eyes promised much. "Come for Me, my dear." Classical music on the stereo, pounding waves crashing against the shore, crashing inside her, His eyes on her, a soft smile on His lips. Waves of pleasure screaming through her again and again. Staring at the seagulls watching them soar on the thermals, waves breaking ....

The dashboard clock reported it was 2:45pm. Deep inside her another wave of pleasure crashed through her. It looks like being a long afternoon! His voice again. "Well my dear, you're doing very well. You will come to Me tonight, My quivering, wanting, crawling, begging bitch, won't you?" "Yes Sir," she mutters through clenched teeth, feeling the pleasure building yet again. "Tell Me, what are you thinking about?" In her mind she feels only the pleasure of her body. "I am wanting to kneel before You, You pressing against my vagina lips, taking Your pleasure from my body, filling Me, making me jump from the touch of my Buddy, wanting You...." More crashing waves of pleasure. He smiles again. "You were completely oblivious to that poor old man who was standing listening to the music, weren't you my dear?"

"Let's go for a walk." They get out of the car, into the stiff wind that makes the day pleasant when behind glass, she shivering with pleasure. "Perhaps just a short turn around the immediate area." His hand in the small of her back, His arm guiding her, she walks barely able to move as pleasure crashes through her. He finds some stairs, they climb them, pleasure crashes through her again. They walk to the cliff edge, He kisses her trembling lips and tugs gently on her leash. An old man comes around the corner of the path and smiles to see the lovers kissing. They return to the car. Sitting still again! Seagulls soaring, waves pounding .....

"I think we'll go home now," He says. "Good Sir," she mutters through her pleasure. "You won't mind if we go the long way round will you my dear." "No Sir, I don't mind." Driving over bumpy roads again ....

Home again! Smiling calmly at the neighbours as tight jeans press against the knot.... The clock reports it is 3:30pm. Make coffee, stoke the fire, try to relax. The knot presses against her jeans as she moves, pleasure crashing through her at the most mundane tasks..... Requesting permission to change her clothes, get rid of these tight jeans that are driving her crazy. "Of course my dear." The relief of slipping back into her chemise, stretching on her cushion in front of the fire. Allowing herself to surrender to the complete intensity of her pleasure in timeless waves. He is talking to friends on the Internet. He reports that he is asked "how is rosepetal today Sir?" He replies that she is a little distracted at the moment. Distracted! A quivering heap of desire is more like it. Attempt to read a book... Waves of pleasure crashing through the same words on the same page, time after time.

At last it is time to cook dinner. Oh no! Without the pressure of tight jeans the rope stimulates more lightly when moving.... Constantly on edge, stimulated but unable to cross the boundaries of pleasure.... Resting on her cushions again, she shifts the knot slightly seeking the relief of the constant pressure. He looks at her "You're cheating my dear, aren't you?" "Yes Sir." "But I want you to come for Me as often as possible my dear." "Yes Sir." "Remember how I want you to come to Me. My quivering, wanting, crawling, begging bitch." More waves of pleasure crashing through her body, the same page of the book no clearer......

It is 7:00pm. Final preparations for dinner underway, He is off the computer now. He comes to help in the kitchen, well meaning efforts that cause her to move out of the way. Unable to help herself, driven mad by desire she glares at Him. Dinner served, she sits on the hard dining chair and discovers a whole new range of sensations, as pleasurable as anything that has gone before. Eating is difficult through the waves of pleasure and His attempts at conversation are of no help to her either as she fights to maintain a semblance of dignity and control.

After dinner coffee, more movement! Relaxing in a comfortable chair, pleasure crashing through her still knowing that there will be no relief for her until He chooses it for her. His voice. "Present yourself to Me, my dear" A sigh of intense relief escapes her lips. Slowly she slips her chemise off her shoulders, it falls to the floor in silky heap around her feet. "Bring Me your buddy." The knot slips and teases as she reaches for her Buddy, kneels at His feet and presents her Buddy to Him.

He looks down at her and she feels His eyes travelling over her. He asks "Are you My quivering, wanting, crawling, begging bitch?" Shudders rack her body yet again. "Oh yes Sir, I am." "What are you?" Pleasure crashes over her again, her whole body arching with wanting, almost unable to speak, but knowing she must answer Him. "Your quivering, wanting, crawling, begging bitch Sir." He smiles at her. His hands reach down and release her rope. Wetness springs under His touch. "Tomorrow you will write Me a story and tell Me about your day." He pats His lap invitingly. "Come here my dear, there are some matters to address."

Quivering, wanting, begging, His bitch crawls over His lap waiting for the welcome sting of her Buddy. ......